Scenarios in a VUCA world - Breakfast Event
Scenario Workshop
These are challenging times. As strategists it can be hard to see the patterns in the relentless fog of information about new technology, major disruption, political and social upheaval. And when some glimmer of insights do come it's almost impossible to steal the attention of your colleagues away from their day-to-day and have them see the possibilities too, let alone formulate a strategy that leverages these. Similar challenges were facing strategists in the 70's just prior to the oil crisis. Some found a way through the haze and were able to grasp the opportunities that ensued, creating tangible benefits for their organisation. Their approach? Scenario planning.
Scenario Planning is a powerful approach used by both private and public sector organisations to make sense of these volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous (VUCA) times, and develop plausible futures that map out the uncertainty. Combined with the organisation's business model, scenarios facilitate a strategic conversation that helps in determining a course of action and guide decision-making in complex and rapidly change environments.
This workshop is run in conjunction with Org Change associates Kaya Consulting. This free event will introduce attendees to scenario planning. Through scenario planning organisational members can participate in making sense of confusing and seemingly conflicting information, align values and commit to decisions. Scenarios are an excellent way to shape strategic planning in uncertain times and so are particularly relevant given our current macro conditions.
A light breakfast will precede a hands-on workshop where participants will engage in small break-out sessions to develop the concepts introduced during the morning's activities.
For more details of this event, including information on how to register your attendance, download the event brochure here .